速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers

Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers


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Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 65 stickers of Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- The Parlour of the San Zaccaria Convent

- Town with a Bridge

- Masked Meeting

- Nighttime Procession in Piazza San Marco

- The Lagoon with Boats, Gondolas, and Rafts

- The Piazzetta, Looking toward San Giorgio Maggiore

- The Giudecca Canal with the Zattere

- The Lagoon from the Fondamenta Nuove

- Capriccio with Venetian Motifs

- Piazza San Marco

- San Cristoforo, San Michele and Murano, Seen from the Fondamenta Nuove

- The Molo and the Riva degli Schiavoni from the Bacino di San Marco

- The Molo and the Riva degli Schiavoni from the Bacino di San Marco

- Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo

- The Rialto Bridge with the Palazzo dei Camerlenghi

- The Grand Canal at the Fish Market (Pescheria)

- The Grand Canal, Looking toward the Rialto Bridge

- The Piazza San Marco towards the Basilica

- Audience Granted by the Doge

- Carnival Thursday on the Piazzetta

- Departure of the Bucentaur Towards the Venice Lido on Ascension Day

- Piazza San Marco, Venice

- The Coronation of the Doge

- The Doge at the Basilica of La Salute

- The Doge on the Bucentaur at San Niccol del Lido

- The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena

- The Gondola on the Lagoon

- The Lagoon Looking toward Murano from the Fondamenta Nuove

- The Three Arched Bridge at Cannaregio

- The Torre del Orologio

- The Torre del Orologio

- View of Piazzetta San Marco towards the San Giorgio Maggiore

Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- The Basin of Saint Mark's Square, with San Giorgio and the Giudecca, c.1774 (oil on canvas)

- Landscape with a Fisherman's

- The Feast of the Ascension

- Venice: San Giorgio Maggiore

- Venice: The Dogana with the Giudecca

- View of the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore

- An Architectural Caprice

- Doge Alvise IV Mocenigo Appears to the People in St. Mark's Basilica

- Piazza San Marco

- City View

- Landscape

- San Giorgio Maggiore

- The Grand Canal with San Simeone Piccolo and Santa Lucia

- The Grand Canal with Santa Lucia and the Scalzi

- The Molo from the Bacino

- Venetian Capriccio

- Venice, Il Rio dei Mendicanti

- View of the Molo towards the Santa Maria della Salute

- Ladies Concert at the Philharmonic Hall

- Pope Pius VI Blessing the People on Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo

- The Punta di Dogana

- View of the Campo San Zanipolo in Venice

- Hot Air Balloon Rising

- Outward Voyage of the Bucintoro to San Nicol del Lido

- Fire in the Oil Depot at San Marcuola

- The Fire at San Marcuola

- Bridge at Dolo

- Church of Santa-Maria Zobenigo

- San Giorgio Maggiore

- Venice, a View of the Piazzetta Looking South with the Palazzo Ducale

- Venice: A View of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore Seen from the Giudecca

- Venice: A View of the Entrance to the Grand Canal

- View of the Island of San Giorgio in Alga, Venice

Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- View of the Island of San Michele near Murano, Venice

- Deer hunting

Francesco Guardi Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad